Turn Neepawa UPSIDEDOWN.

You were created to turn the world UPSIDEDOWN. Let's start in Neepawa.

Come turn Neepawa UPSIDEDOWN with us.

We all have dreams we long for and rhythms we live with that define us. We want to see our world changed, turned UPSIDEDOWN.

Come see what PAC Neepawa longs for and the rhythms that define our community.

Worship With Us!

We'd love to worship with you in person or online this week!

In Person


11:00 AM



11:00 AM Online

Meet our campus Pastor!

Parker Friesen joined the PAC team as part of our leadership development program as a Campus Pastor in Residence in the fall of 2023, and stepped into the Neepawa Campus Pastor role in 2024.

Parker is married to Sarah who recently graduated from Mount Royal University, and is working to become a Child and Youth Care Counselor. Parker is passionate about seeing people come to know and love Jesus, the Seattle Mariners and good conversation. You can usually find him reading a book next to a nice cup of coffee


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